Bloggreen: La la la

Sunday, November 21, 2004

La la la

Well I go away for a few days to try and convince myself that the world doesn't totally suck. And I come back to discover that some ******* ******** has hacked into my blogger account and deleted my blog. Hmmm. Other than the anoyance of losing archives (a lot of which I had backed up), links and everyone's wonderful comments, I am not that bothered. So to whoever it is out there trying to get at me at the moment (this is not an isolated incident), it's not working. And a short warning, I know my shit a hell of a lot better than you buddy. Watch your back. And to the rest of you, apologies for the brief loss of transmission. Service will return as normal shortly. I hope to replicate the link list in its entirety but if I miss you out, drop me an email. Arohanui


At 11/22/2004 03:36:00 PM, Blogger Asher said...

wow, that sucks. some people are just so mindless....

oh, and yes please on the link - i think you used to link to me.


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