Bloggreen: URGENT bypass alert - vigil 5pm today

Thursday, February 10, 2005

URGENT bypass alert - vigil 5pm today

The Old Bodega on the corner of Able Smith and Willis St is being demolished TODAY - in whole or in part. There will be a peaceful vigil from 5pm on Willis St and Able Smith St TODAY Thursday 10 February. Please come and bring your friends - bring ribbons, candles, stories, poems and whatever else you feel is appropriate. Large numbers of buildings have already been demolished on Willis St and Arthur St, including at least one building that was supposed to be "saved", ie relocated. Many people feel powerless, angry and frustrated by the "bypass" - come and show those doing this work that people care and have not forgotten. ************************** ADVANCE NOTICE A "Tangi for Te Aro" is being planned for Sunday 20th February at 12 noon. More details next week. **************************


At 2/11/2005 01:33:00 AM, Blogger Asher said...

Oh man, thats terrible news - so many memories, gone.
Wish I'd heard about it in time to join you all there...

At 2/11/2005 01:58:00 AM, Blogger Asher said...

By the way, can you please email me on

I want to get in touch with you about something, but don't have your email address. Cheers.

At 2/11/2005 10:39:00 AM, Blogger Kakariki said...

Sorry my email is down at the moment I'll email you when it's working again.

At 2/12/2005 01:35:00 AM, Blogger Joe Hendren said...

Oh no the bodega is gone, thats sad.

If it were me I would have taken tables and chairs done there an reopned the outdoor area on the doorstep.

Then when the demolition people arrive they see you drinking in the sun and feel like finishing too :)

At 2/19/2005 01:26:00 PM, Blogger Hans Versluys said...

A short documentary on the protests against the bypass will be on Triangle Television (Auckland) on Monday 21 Feb at 8.30PM


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