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Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Happy World Oceans Day

Originally uploaded by kakariki.
Today is World Oceans Day, when we can all celebrate the wonderful world that lives out of our sight beneath the level of the sea. It is also a time to acknowledge how little we, as humans, know about what lives beneath the waves.

Given that we know so little, today is also a time for us to reflect about how much damage we are doing to an environment we know so little about.

These photos were taken at the PPCS meat processing plant at Pareora, south of Timaru, which has consent to discharge up to 15,000 cubic metres of wastewater per day into the South Pacific Ocean. During peak killing time between 10,000 and 12,000 cubic metres goes into the sea each day.

This has to stop.
And don't forget of course the hideous mass destruction of the forest floor through Bottom Trawling. Check out the Rainbow Warrior blog as they travel around the Tasman Sea hassling the hell out of bottom trawling vessels. Massive respect to the crew on board!


At 6/08/2005 03:20:00 PM, Blogger Peter Cresswell said...

Frog, you said, "These photos were taken at the PPCS meat processing plant at Pareora, south of Timaru, which has consent to discharge up to 15,000 cubic metres of wastewater per day into the South Pacific Ocean."

Isn't the Resource Management Act wonderful, eh? A secure license to pollute, with all common law protections over-ridden.

Isn't it time to start questioning whether the RMA does the job many think it does?

At 6/08/2005 05:26:00 PM, Blogger Joe Hendren said...

L&P - Lemon and Pareora - always wondered what that Pareora stuff was :)

At 6/08/2005 05:41:00 PM, Blogger Kakariki said...

ahem, I am not the frog. You can find the frog at

At 6/09/2005 01:51:00 AM, Blogger Peter Cresswell said...

Kakariki, you said, "I am not the frog."

Yeah, I know. Brain explosion as I typed it.

The point remains, though, doesn't it. RMA = License to Pollute.

At 6/09/2005 11:40:00 AM, Blogger Kakariki said...

Right on! years of uninformed criticism of the RMA for being too strict has helped cover up the slackness with which some local authorities apply the RMA on the ground. The real reform of the RMA that is needed is not to make it more business friendly but to give Councils the resources and support they need to really tackle environmental problems and then take to task those local authorities that still aren't doing their job.


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