Bloggreen: Another billboard

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Another billboard

Another billboard
Originally uploaded by kakariki.
A friend of mine sent me this one. Don't know who came up with it so I can't credit their genius. But prove it was you, and I'll credit it!

But I really like this one. Good for an early morning cheer up!


At 9/07/2005 10:33:00 AM, Blogger David Farrar said...

Very politically incorrect. I've resisted sticking it up on my blog in case it was seen as too nasty to Helen. Glad you have :-)

At 9/08/2005 01:46:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

proof that farrer is a middle class poofter,
you get quixote medallion for this front up parrot,
Quixote medallion for fascists parrot, how abouts that,


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