Bloggreen: Grow up Rodney

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Grow up Rodney

I just managed to witness some seriously pathetic behaviour in the House on the part of Mr Hide. Aside from using points of order for slightly dubious purposes; when the Speaker rules on a point of order, the Speaker has ruled. At that point you sit down and shut up. You do not continue to make the same point of order. And you certainly do not refuse to sit down when told to. Having to force the Speaker to get the Serjeant-At-Arms to get up and remove you is a gross waste of parliament time. Mr Hide needs to learn some respect if he wants to get any at all from the Speaker in return.


At 3/20/2005 09:56:00 PM, Blogger Michael Wood said...

I suppose that when you are being over-shadowed by someone as absurd as John Banks, you'll do anything for a bit of attention.


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