Yay for me and yay for you lot
Yesterday some lucky punter (who happens to be from Corinda, Queensland, Australia, is using Win XP, Firefox and has a 1024x768 resolution monitor, but only stayed for 2 seconds!) was the 10,000th visitor to this website! How exciting! So big thank you to all of you out there who come and read what I have to say. It must be boring but I hope to entertain or inform you occaisionally. And at least my blog is slightly more interesting than high school girls sharing their bitchy stories online. So just to add to your excitement, frog managed to incite some interesting debate about the size of Don's carrot (not for the faint hearted). But deep within the comments someone linked to the Ex-Exclusive Bretheran website (can you be an ex-ex-exclusive I wonder or is that just a bad stutter...). And they have their very own forum which is pretty amusing. For those that know me you'll know I just dig forums, might have to go join this one! In other news, Russell Brown shares a wee email from the Press in regards to the end of Alexis Stuart's columns due to her inability to have an original idea. I for one am more than pleased to see her go. I have been reading the Maxim magazine for a while now (for entertainment ok?) and I always get so irate after reading her articles. I always want to write a great big long rebuttal but can never finish them I get too mad. For those that don't know her work, she's one of those 'it's all feminisms fault that the family has destructed' types. Cause, like, relationship laws, anti-domestic violence and rape campaigns, health protection, equal pay, voting rights, citizenship rights etc etc etc are all really bad and families were just so happy before all that happened, yeah right! Good riddance. Last but not least, I'm leaving Wellington today, off on some new journeys. Will keep you all updated and will fill you in on the whole story when I get to my final destination!!!! Arohanui
no not boring at all- keep up the good blog Bloggreen.
Good luck on your new journeys. Are you off on that OE thing?
Keep in touch. Will be interested in how your overseas adventure goes :)
Take care and be good :)
Thanks my loyal fans ;) Big post revealing all coming soon...
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